(Dark Secret) How To Get Noob Lobby In Pubg Mobile : Hello, beautiful people welcome back in this article I am going to show you the deepest secret and trick to get noob lobby all the time to get a noob lobby in pubg mobile is you need to know few secrets and all the pros or pro players uses this trick to get 25+  kills like a panda, Levin Howe Izzo, and Athena.

Well in order to get noob Lobby you need to do one setting first so you just need to go to your matchmaking options and then at the left down corner you will see a setting option just open it and enable the drop tactic mode and select the slow and steady option by doing these settings I swear you will get noob lobby 99% of the time but only do the settings when you have your own squad because you will get the only noob randoms mates after doing this setting this is one of the best tricks and it ismost used by streamers now let's move to the other secret of getting the noobest Lobby.

the second secret is you need to play on South-America server for 2 minutes before starting the match in asia this trick works 80% of the time now the bonus secret to getting a noob lobby is by sharing this article lolz just kidding the third trick is leaving the waiting lobby twice also helps you to get a noob lobby most of the time like if you exited twice before the match starts then in your third attempt you will surely get a noob lobby for sure and this is the deepest secret that no one really reveals but I did also playing with platinum or gold players can get you to the noob lobby because having Atlas two players from lower tiers help you to find the easiest lobby and it will help you to push your rank and KD as well now the other

the deepest secret to getting a noob lobby is very simple to get a noob lobby you must know timing also matters like if you play from 9 a.m. to 12 midnight then you will only get average and pro players but playing after 12 a.m. can really help you to get Noob lobby all the time in fact, this is also one of the best trick and mostly used by streamers they always streams at night now the last and final secret to getting a noob lobby is by changing the server before starting the match well I am not telling you to play on other server but you just need to show the servers like this and then change it back to Asia by using these strategies everybody can get a noob lobby almost all the time so make sure you follow all the tricks and don't forget to drop a

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